Honorable Judge Vikki Bayeh Haley
Judge Haley and her sobriety court team are instrumental in helping others regain their lives by learning the recovery process and their road to newfound freedom. Judge Haley does a great job at describing the benefits to the individual court participants, as well as the community.
Check out Judge Bayeh Haley’s induction!
Click here to watch this video in its entirety.
Honorable Judge Duncan Beagle
Judge Duncan Beagle has been a leader in the community for several years. Here he is getting an award for all his years helping Genesee County families. Honorable Duncan M. Beagle has served over 27 years on the bench. He is currently one of five Family Court judges in Genesee County. He also presides over three specialty courts — a Drug Court for neglect parents, an Attendance Court for severely truant students and ADAPT Court to improve efficiency of increased number of paternity cases.
Honorable Judge Mark Latchana
Judge Latchana is a member of the Davison Chamber of Commerce and the Davison Optimist Club. He has presided over the Genesee County Adult Felony Drug Court and Adult Felony Urban. Drug Court programs since the beginning of 2012. He views each and every session of drug court as an opportunity to change the course of the participants’ lives and to learn more about addiction. Judge Latchana is committed to helping those that suffer from addiction. It is by helping those who break the law to feed an addiction that we can protect society from the effects of drug addiction. Click here to see him in action.
Check out Judge Bayeh Haley’s induction!
Click here to watch this video in its entirety.